What's Behind The Obesity Epidemic?
Our weight says a lot about our state of health. A healthy body should be able to maintain healthy weight. When we gain weight and can't take it off, it's an indication that something is wrong.
The liver is responsible for filtering, removing, and storing toxins. When toxins such as heavy metals and chemicals from pharmaceutical medicines and our environment accumulate in the body in high concentrations, the liver can no longer properly filter and store them, so the body creates fat cells on purpose to store these toxins away from vital organs. This is why its hard to lose fat cells, the body holds on to them for dear life.
In addition to toxin accumulation, fat storage is triggered by elevated insulin levels. Consuming processed refined foods like white flours, sugars, starches, and corn syrup causes blood sugar spikes. High insulin levels causes fat storage.
Additionally, consuming trans fats, refined and heated vegetable oils causes weight gain and clogs up the arteries.
Consuming animal proteins like meat, chicken and fish leads to sluggish and clogged digestive system. These foods are incredibly hard to digest, requiring a high amount of digestive enzymes. Most people over 40 just don't have enough enzymes to break down animal proteins, so the animal protein meals just sit in the digestive tract leading to an unhealthy microbiome. A dysfunctional digestive system contributes to weight gain and obesity.
Joseph's Weight Loss Program
Dropping weight should not just be about shedding pounds; it's about reclaiming vitality and revitalizing your overall well-being. Our Weight Loss & Detoxification Support Program offers more than just a number on the scale—it's a pathway to metabolism reset, renewed energy, improved digestion, reduced inflammation, and balanced insulin levels.
By prioritizing your health and committing to this program, you'll not only lose weight but also obtain the benefits of a healthier, more vibrant lifestyle.
To accomplish this, we take a holistic approach by incorporating our ancient grain breads, various teas, herbs & superfoods to offset the years of abuse and toxic overload.
Our teas and herbal supplements will detoxify the liver, allowing the body to get rid of years of accumulated waste and toxins. When the detoxification process begins, the body will naturally begin the breakdown of fat cells.
Our sourdough breads and superfoods will cleanse your digestive tract, promoting the growth of healthy gut bacteria, this will set you free from food addictions.
Our ancient grain sourdough breads are ALKALINE superfoods. Unlike toxic and acidic modern GMO wheat, ancient grains are non-GMO and actually have anti-inflammatory effects. Water retention throughout the body and stomach bloat are signs of inflammation. The anti-inflammatory effects of the teas and breads will enable quick loss of excess water weight stimulating an instant slimming effect.
Discover the other superfoods in the plan by reading more down below.
Choose one of our Weight Loss Diet Plans that suits you and

Joseph's Organic Bakery

INCLUDED IN THE GOLD PLAN: 5 Kamut Breads, 5 Einkorn Breads, 1 Cistus Tea, 1 Longjing Tea, 1 Boost, 1 Purple Sea Moss
Benefits of our Diet Plans for Weight Loss:
- Aids in Weight Reduction: Much of our Excess Weight is actually inflammation and water retention, especially around the stomach. Our weight loss Diet Plan reduces overall inflammation in the body, leading to immediate pound shedding. When we remove toxic food from the diet and consume superfoods, inflammation goes down, and the body sheds excess pounds quickly.
- Stops Hunger Cravings and Resets Metabolism: If our diet doesn't contain adequate nutrients, even if we are eating a lot, the body will still think it's starving. And we continue to overeat to try to compensate for that lack. For many, it's not about how much you eat, it's what you eat, that determines if you feel full and satisfied. Only when the food we consume contains adequate levels of fiber and nutrients then the stomach sends signals to the brain to stop eating. If we consume food devoid of nutrients, we will never be satiated and the vicious cycle of overeating continues. When metabolism functions optimally, our body efficiently burns calories and utilizes stored fat for energy. A healthy metabolism makes it easier to achieve a healthy weight
- Aids Detoxification: The liver is responsible for removing and storing toxins. When toxins such as heavy metals and chemicals from pharmaceutical medicines and our environment accumulate in the body in high concentrations, the liver can no longer filter and store them, so the body creates fat cells on purpose to store these toxins away from vital organs. Our teas and herbal supplements will detoxify the liver, allowing the body to get rid of years of accumulated waste and toxins. When the detoxification process begins, the body will naturally begin the breakdown of fat cells.
- Reduces High Blood Sugar Levels: High insulin and high blood sugar levels in the body stimulate weight gain and fat storage. For this reason its important for those looking to lose weight to maintain healthy insulin and blood sugar levels. Our Diet plan is designed to stabilize blood sugar levels.
- Improved Digestion: An unhealthy gut microbiome increases inflammatory markers, which may lead to weight gain and metabolic disease. Our Special Diet Plan contains our Probiotic and Fiber Rich Rich breads and Superfoods which lead to improved Gut health.

The 2 teas work together to Rejuvenate the pancreas, Promote detoxification, and Reduce Inflammation leading to natural weight loss.
Don’t let those extra pounds take over your life!
Choose one of our Alkaline Diet Plans that suits you and transform your health today!
Give Us A Call With Any Questions: 954-541-4062 Or Order one of our Alkaline Diet Plans Below
We Ship Nationwide & Worldwide
Call with any questions 954-541-4062
Shipping is Included in the Plans. No extra Shipping Costs!
INSTRUCTIONS FOR BREAD: Our bread does not contain any preservatives so Toast and Consume within 2 days after arrival, or Slice and Freeze to save for later.
The Bread Lasts 4-6 months in the Freezer.
Sea Moss Care: Moss should be refrigerated and consumed within 2 weeks
With the Platinum Weight Loss Diet Program, you will have access to all of our Ancient Grain Sourdough Breads, Rejuvenating teas, Herbal Supplements, and Alkaline SUPERFOODS that will replenish the body with key minerals, vitamins, and enzymes. When the body is nourished with proper food, toxic overeating stops and metabolism improves. Our teas and herbal supplements reduce overall inflammation, improve digestion, and jump start the detoxification process.
When the body no longer has to deal with toxic overload, fat cells will no longer be needed to store toxins, thus the body will begin the breakdown of fat cells in a healthy way with zero side effects.
Dropping weight should not just be about shedding pounds; it's about reclaiming vitality and revitalizing your overall well-being.
Our Weight Loss & Detoxification Support Program offers more than just a number on the scale—it's a pathway to metabolism reset, renewed energy, improved digestion, reduced inflammation, and balanced insulin levels.
By prioritizing your health and committing to this program, you'll not only lose weight but also obtain the benefits of a healthier, more vibrant lifestyle.
To accomplish this, we take a holistic approach by incorporating our ancient grain breads, various teas, herbs & superfoods to offset the years of abuse and toxic overload.
Our teas and herbal supplements will detoxify the liver, allowing the body to get rid of years of accumulated waste and toxins. When the detoxification process begins, the body will naturally begin the breakdown of fat cells.
Our sourdough breads and superfoods will cleanse your digestive tract, promoting the growth of healthy gut bacteria, this will set you free from food addictions.
Our ancient grain sourdough breads are ALKALINE superfoods. Unlike toxic and acidic modern GMO wheat, ancient grains are non-GMO and actually have anti-inflammatory effects.
Choose one of our Weight Loss Diet Plans that suits you and
Our Platinum Plan is our most comprehensive program. You will receive a 30-Day Supply of our Ancient Grain Sourdough Breads that will help stabilize blood sugar levels, improve digestion, and help speed weight loss, all of which helps to restore your body to a healthy state.

Superfood Ancient Grain Breads
Eat Bread Lose Weight
At Joseph's Organic Bakery we bake bread like a thousand years ago. Our ancient grain breads are SUPERFOODS. Our breads are made from Kamut or Einkorn, both of which are the oldest non-GMO non hybridized grains in the world.
Each of these ancient grains have unique health benefits and anti-inflammatory properties.
Modern Commercial Bread causes inflammation and weight gain. Our breads are made with ancient anti-inflammatory grains and our special preparation process ensures that our breads are full of fiber and nutrients which keep us satiated. When the body receives the nutrients and fiber it needs, toxic cravings and overeating stops.
Our probiotic sourdough breads and superfoods will cleanse your digestive tract, promoting the growth of healthy gut bacteria. A healthy gut promotes weight loss.
Our ancient grain sourdough breads are ALKALINE superfoods. Unlike toxic and acidic modern GMO wheat, ancient grains are non-GMO and actually have anti-inflammatory effects. Water retention throughout the body and stomach bloat are signs of inflammation. The anti-inflammatory effects of the breads and teas will enable quick loss of excess water weight stimulating an instant slimming effect.
Our unique preparation process is what makes our bread stand out as an ALKALINE LOW GLYCEMIC SUPERFOOD. We ferment our dough with alkaline ionized water and alkaline bamboo salt which creates an alkaline state in the body.
Due to the fermentation process, our breads are high in probiotics and enzymes.
Most commercial breads are made with white flour or "wholegrain" flour that has most of the fiber bran and wheat germ removed, in order to help it rise and become fluffy.
Our bread is made with 100% real wholegrain kamut or einkorn flour. It's full of fiber, vitamins, and nutrients which help lower blood sugar levels. High blood sugar and insulin levels causes weight gain.
We never remove the bran or wheat germ, where all of the nutrition is at.
In fact, it goes even further: our ancient grains Kamut and Einkorn, have unique health properties.
These ancient grains aid digestion and have been shown in research studies to improve IBS and other digestive problems as well as lower cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar.
Cistus Tea & Longjing Tea
The anti-inflammatory qualities of our Longjing Tea is enhanced by the cistus tea to create a potent anti-inflammatory and detoxification effect, jumpstarting the weight loss process.
Our teas work together to repair the gut and the pancreas, and to lower inflammation, as well as actively stimulating gut hormones responsible for lowering appetite.

Longjing tea is a strong antioxidant that has been used by Asian cultures for centuries to fight off illness, to promote detoxification, and to maintain good health.
How Does Longjing Tea Aid in Weight Loss? Longjing tea has polyphenols that aid in detoxification and overall body cleansing. Polyphenols enhance the body’s natural detoxification ability by supporting the liver and fighting free radicals.
The liver is the body’s filtration system. It converts toxins in the body into waste products that your body expels through your urine.
The polyphenols in Longjing tea protect the liver. It also promotes enzyme activity in the liver that makes the detoxification function more efficient.
Why is detoxification so important for weight loss?
Our fat cells are basically the body's garbage bin for toxins that the liver cannot remove.
When the liver gets clogged, the fat cells are the body's only solution to save itself from harm. For this reason, the body holds onto fat cells, and many people have a hard time losing weight. When we detoxify the body
Cistus tea or Cistus incanus tea is one of the most ancient teas, brewed for centuries in the Mediterranian regions. It was prized for its medicinal properties and a pleasant aroma.
Cistus tea was believed to heal wounds, lower inflammations, and help restore health. For these reasons, it was considered very beneficial in traditional medicine. The plant is indeed rich in antioxidants. So, what you get is a pleasant tasting and fragrant cup of hot tea, full of health benefits.
We source the absolute highest quality cistus tea. Our cistus tea is powerful, grown in optimal conditions.

When the adrenal glands malfunction, producing excess cortisol, often in response to chronic stress or bad diet, weight gain can result. Cortisol is a hormone that can cause weight gain by increasing hunger, fat storage, and insulin resistance. Cortisol can also cause the body to store glucose as fat, especially around the waist, because fat cells have many cortisol receptors. Excess cortisol also causes insulin resistance and type 2 Diabetes.
Boost is an herbal formula designed to rejuvenate the adrenal glands and to boost energy levels.
Our Boost formula includes herbs like Sarsparilla & Muira Puama.
Weight Loss Support Tea

This weight loss tea helps reduce inflammation and rejuvenates the gut. A healthy digestive system is key to losing weight. This tea helps to cleanse and rejuvenate the digestive tract.
Umeboshi Plums

One of the key factors in promoting GLP-1 production is the health of the gut microbiome. GLP 1 is a gut hormone that plays an important role in regulating blood sugar and weight loss. The diverse population of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms that reside in the gut play a crucial role in regulating hormone levels, including GLP-1. When the gut microbiome is out of balance, it can lead to a decrease in GLP-1 production. Raw Fermented foods increase probiotic levels in the gut, leading an increase in GLP1 levels.
Umeboshi plums are fermented plums, rich in probiotics. For over a thousand years they have been valued as a powerful digestive aid. Asian cultures use this fruit to rejuvenate the gut, as an anti-bacterial, anti-candida, and anti-parasitic. It also combats eczema and psoriasis; fights fatigue and aids the liver.
How are pickled Umeboshi plums made?
These little plums are fermented with sea salt and shiso leaves, sometimes for many years. The result is an incredibly alkaline, probiotic rich, pickled fruit with a host of health benefits. The shiso leaves have many medicinal health benefits themselves, and they contribute to the antimicrobial and infection-fighting components of the umeboshi plums.
Unfortunately many companies use artificial dyes and preservatives to keep costs down.
Plus they are usually shipped overseas in plastic container, completely destroying their probiotics and overall nutritional benefits.
At Joseph's Organic Bakery, our umeboshi plums are pickled for many years, on a small family owned farm in Japan. This family has been making umeboshi the traditional way for many decades. The ume plums are fermented for years using only 3 ingredients: Ume plums, sea salt, and shiso leaves. Then they are bottled in glass and shipped BY AIR overseas to prevent overheating.
Aids Digestion
Restores & Rejuvenates the Gut
Fights Eczema & Psoriasis
Liver Support
Stops Diarrhea and Prevents Nausea
Blood Sugar Stabilizer
Purple Sea Moss

Purple Sea Moss contains 92 out of 102 vitamins, minerals, and compounds that your body needs including magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, iron, and more.
Consuming minerals is vital to health, however, just taking isolated minerals, will not help raise minerals levels if your body cannot absorb them, as they are not bio-availbale. Additionally, minerals need to be in balance with each other.
In Sea Moss, all the minerals work together to help the body achieve an alkaline state and is bio-available.
Our purple is sourced from off the Jamaican coast by our experienced divers.
Weight Loss Water

Weight Loss Water: Its array of vitamins and ionic minerals helps correct deficiencies in the body, especially nutrient deficiencies.
Nutrient Deficiencies causes us to overeat. When these deficiencies are corrected, the constant cravings stop, and our metabolism improves. The mineral makeup in this water enhances the protein-fat-carbohydrate metabolism, which is why it was traditionally used for metabolic diseases: it lowers blood sugar levels, increases fat burning and causes weight loss. It also induces an increase in uric acid excretion.
As such many people see results with this water in as little as 2 weeks.
- Improves Insulin Response
- Reduces High Blood Sugar
- Reduces High Blood Pressure & Inflammation
- Promotes Detoxification
- Promotes Healthy Weight Loss

Improves Insulin Response
Rejuvenates the Pancreas and Restores Cellular function

Stabilizes Blood Sugar
The Superfoods and Teas in Alkaline Diet plan help to Stabilize Blood Sugar.

Stabilizes Blood Pressure & Inflammation
Superfoods in the Program Lower Inflammation to reduce high blood pressure

Promotes Healthy Weight Loss
Balances blood sugar resulting in NATURAL and lasting Weight Loss
"I’ve been purchasing their bread and have also purchased two kinds of their teas: the weight loss tea and the Cistus tea. Not only is the bread a healthy alternative for regular bread, but it is yummy! We eat bread often and my parents are diabetic so being able to continue eating bread knowing it isn’t going to have a negative affect is great. The teas are amazing as well. My mother has said that the tea has helped to lower her blood sugar levels significantly. She noticed the difference very soon after she started to drink the tea. Can’t wait to buy some more of both teas and bread."
Ashley Rae Barret
I have suffered from severe diabetes since I was 14. Today I am 42, and the diabetes has led to other issues. I was facing surgery when I stumbled across Joseph's Organic Bakery. I went on the the diabetes support plan for only 2 weeks, eating only a vegan diet including fruits, veggies, and Sourdough bread, sauerkraut, special cistus tea and Russian waters all from Josephs Bakery. The results were miraculous. For the first time in 27 years my A1C went from 8.5 to 6.7. I am continuing full force and look forward to losing weight and be insulin free."
Tenika Hyatt
“I lost 12 pounds and my blood sugar dropped from 204 to 96 in just 2 weeks!”
Collette Johnson
"My Blood Sugar Readings Went from 360 to 101 in 3 days"


Joseph's Organic Bakery is the only Ancient Grain, Wholegrain bakery in the United States. Our Diet Plans for Diabetes, Blood Pressure, and Weight Loss are breaking ground in the field of natural health, which sorely lacks healthy superfoods that keep you full and satisfied. Man cant live on supplements alone.
At Joseph's Organic Bakery we bake the healthiest Ancient Grain Sourdough Breads. We bake like a thousand years ago using only 3 ingredients. Our unique preparation, and fermentation process ensures optimum minerals, fiber, probiotics and enzymes in every loaf.
Our Diabetic Friendly Breads have been used by doctors across America to help their patients achieve their health goals.
But it doesn't end there, our DIET PLANS include special teas, herbs, and superfoods that work together to ALAKLIZE THE BODY.
- Alkaline Breads & Superfoods
- Wholegrain Ancient Grain Sourdough Breads
- Potent Teas to Rejuvenate the Pancreas
- Teas to Stabilize Blood Pressure & Reduce Inflammation